This blouse was easy to assemble and went together quickly. I've worn it once and it was comfortable to wear. Now I'll go back to the machine and add strategically placed velcro bits so it won't shift around, the ribbon ties are the only thing holding it all together. Looshilala doesn't have to worry about wardrobe malfunctions. I used safety pins.
The fabric is a cotton/raw silk blend and very loosely woven. I erred on the side of caution and didn't attempt buttonholes. There were only 2 needed on the cuffs anyway. I just used velcro, 1/2" wide, it had been hanging around the plant at least as long as the fabric itself and is a perfect match. Can you even see it?
The buttons are special only in that they were on hand.
Next up: a frock from some printed slinky. I've adapted an Ottobre Woman tunic top, lengthening it and altering the sleeve. All I have for guidance is Gale Grigg Hazen's article in THREAD'S "Slinky Knit, You Flatterer, You" (issue #70) for guidance. She says I need to add 4" of ease at the bust. If I remember the first thing I made with slinky, it seized up on me because I didn't have that little tip.